Saturday, 27 February 2010

Booking the Rock Tour

Hopefully accomplished this morning. After all the faff trying and failing to book the train it seems that booking the Rock Tour is no hassle and provokes no 'fraud line' calls at all. Result!

The tour I have booked goes from Alice and back to Alice - although I did have to tell them where I wanted to be picked from, which caused more delving around (think I've found somewhere - tried to go with one of the places for a later pick-up!). Checked around with a few companies online and in Lonely Planet including:

Wayout back - cool 'cos eco & 4x4 - but pricey

and have decided to go with The Rock Tour. Yes, it's the cheapest but it's also recommended in Lonely Planet and, apart from a difference of direction, most of the tours that involve camping under the stars and hiking are fairly similar. I'm not out for comfort whilst travelling this area - I want a real and raw experience.

Am awaiting an email back form the hostel I want to stay in in Alice and then I need to to work out exactly how I'm supposed to pay for the train ticket!

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